It took me some time to formulate how to express my
thankfulness for the people God has put into my life and I will do my best to
get the message across; if I forget anything and or anybody, I give you permission
to knock me on the head.
As soon as the news came across that I had FSGS and Renal
Failure, and that this would cause me to be out of work for quite some time, a
very good friend of ours, Heather, scrambled into motion and put together a
benefit event in my honor; we called it the “LoweDown Hoedown”. In just two
weeks time she, with the help of our friends and family, were able to find
McKee Ranch, get a jumper at a discount, reduced rate Face Painter,
donated baked goods, contact a multitude of radio stations and news stations, do
radio interviews, post on Craig list, face book, make posters and fliers,
decorations, get two food trucks to come,
Melteez and
The Spot and
all the while managing their everyday lives with their families. Now as far as I
know, the event went off without a hitch, Heather and the rest of our friends and
family really took care of everything; I wouldn’t know since most of my day was
spent trying to tough it out through the joint pain and nausea that was
lingering from a tough Saturday and I was barely managing to stand at points
throughout the day. Everybody involved that was aforementioned as well as
anybody that I have missed and/or didn’t know about was amazing to say the

We had put on a couple of garage sales, as you would know if
you had been paying attention to my “Events” pages ;), and the weather was horrendous
on those events the previous weeks; we were somewhat worried this would turn
out somewhat similar. We were dead wrong, the weather was perfect; it had just
broken into the 70’s, there was a slight breeze that was strong enough to keep
you cool although never kicked up any dust. The Ranch was quite a little gem as
well, tucked in between the 15 freeway and the Silverton Casino, it was so
close enough to Vegas you would think it would have been a miserable place to
visit, on the contrary, it was like you had driven miles out into the desert to
go to a horse ranch and ride away your pains; it was quite a pleasant surprise.
With the horses, goat, sheep, ponies, donkeys, chickens and everything else, it
was a perfect little ranch that was packed with tons of fun!!

Max and Christine, the Owners and Operators of McKee Ranch
were more then generous in the use of their personal property for our event; it
was basically donated for our cause with minimal fees and near complete freedom
to explore wherever we please. The food trucks, Melteez and The Spot both
donated their time to come out and donated a portion of their proceeds as well;
I couldn’t explain in words how great both of their foods were; you need to eat
it yourself to understand.
Channel 13 News put our event on the 13 things
to do during the weekend segment and Fox 5 put it on their website as well. Also,
Fox 5 Vegas even stopped by and did some interviews and played a 2
minute spot on the
10 o’clock news
that night; although I missed it, it was way cool to know we were on TV. A few
radio stations,
100.5, and
102.7 all put the event on their
page and announced it during their morning show.

We also had a raffle that went off pretty well with some pretty
good items in it as well. There was a Family Four Pack to Sea World donated by
95.5, 102.7 donated a basket with a bunch of autographed cds, guitar picks and
a Dierks Bentley Poster. Additionally, my wonderful sister in-law was able to
get an hour golf lesson and greens fees for four at
Rhodes Ranch Golf Club donated.
Jacque from
Indian Springs Towing donated her time, as well as a digital
camera and a Razor Scooter. Our friend Jamie, who put on the garage sales for
us, got a $30 salon gift certificate as well as 2 tickets to go see
Divas @ the Rio donated;
we won the Divas tickets, but with my energy levels, we gave them back so
that somebody else could enjoy them. I saved the best one for last, you may not
think so, but this is my blog and what I says goes, a gift certificate to
Buffalo Wild Wings for 50 free wings; although I probably shouldn’t be eating
them due to the sodium and whatever else might kill me, I love food and that hasn’t
I did my best to find links to a majority of the places that sponsored their time, resources and/or items, if i knew which businesses did so; please feel free to check out the links and show these people some love, I know I will whenever i can.