Sometime ago, I postured the question of whether or not my friends
on FB were curious about what time travel was like; I'm not curious anymore,
well really I haven't been since probably January, I've done it and it's not
You may be asking yourself, what does time travel and kidney
failure have to do with each other, and if you're not, then start paying
attention. Apparently, time travel and kidney failure, in my case, go
wonderfully hand in hand; but it seems to be quite the curiosity when I mention
it to any nurses and/or doctors, each perplexed look that I get is vaguely
different from person to person, yet obviously quite the same. I have yet to be able to tell somebody about my experiences with time travel and not get a look of
astonishment, what's better, is the looks on their faces when they see it!!
So you may have guessed by now that I'm probably not a physics
genius that figured out how to time travel while dealing with the many woes of
kidney failure, you've probably guessed by now, what I'm referring to is my "twitching". If any of
you have experienced seizures, you probably have done some time traveling as
well; I don't have too much to compare it to, because it's like nothing I have
ever felt before. I am sure that you're reading this
going, "how does time travel, if it were real, relate to twitching?” well
it does. Let me
elaborate on how I came about calling it time travel, everybody has done it, driving home from work you will drive most,
if not all the way home without being able to recall one bit of it, creepy huh?
That's what happened while driving home from my Pine Valley fishing trip this
week, I had gone a mile or so coming south on the I-15 and couldn't recall how
I passed the three trucks and cars and it made me think about my twitching and how it is eerily similar, but worse. This is
how my twitching feels, but in the case of my twitching, it's much more
violent, unpredictable and very distressing.
Let's get descriptive!! Imagine yourself sitting in your living room, watching your
favorite movie, eating popcorn and drinking a giant soda; my choice
would be Dr. Pepper, before my kidney issues at least, but a lot of fluid and
the phosphorus used in dark sodas are a big no no when you've got ESRD (End
Stage Renal Disease). Now picture this, during a very nondescript scene, that soda had
somehow exploded all over your lap and the gallon of popcorn has ended up,
without notice, EVERYWHERE! You would probably ask yourself, as I still currently do, how did this
happen, why did this happen, and how can I fix it; what's worse, is your medical practitioners are very confuzzled by the idea and truly have no answers as to
why it occurs, just theories with no solutions.
Not so bad huh? Let's step it up a notch, you
wake up in the morning, and it's a normal morning like every other morning;
You shower, get dressed, do your teeth, hair, etc. and feel ready to tackle the day. Additionally, in my case, breakfast is ready downstairs,
so you head on downstairs, following the aromas
of freshly pan fried eggs, pancakes and warm maple syrup. Well envision that about half way down the stairs, you end up
the rest of the way down on your back with your leg folded under you and all of
your toes and fingers seemingly jammed at precisely the same time; you, well in
reality, I, got lucky this time and only slid down on my back and didn't procure
any long term injuries. These are only a couple examples, not dramatized I
might add, of what my daily life is like, concurrently. The scariest part, is
not knowing; not knowing when it may happen, or not knowing what actually
happened during that split second when it did happen.
That is why I call it time travel, one second you here, the next
second you're either a few steps ahead of where you were, or you're slumped on
the floor imitating the Toy Story toys when "Andy is coming!!". It is
definitely not a pleasant occurrence, even during the slightest twitch it's very disturbing; I would never wish anything like this on anybody, as it is
absolutely a loathsome and rotten feeling to go through, even just once and had brought me to tears on more then one occasion. Go ahead, revoke my man card for that last sentence.